Lapsansky, A. B., Kreyenmeier, P., Spering, M. and Altshuler, D. L. (2024). Hummingbirds use compensatory eye movements to stabilize both rotational and translational visual motion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 291, 1–12. PDF ACCEPTED
Dash, S., Baliga, V. B., Lapsansky, A. B., Wylie, D. R. and Altshuler, D. L. (2024). Encoding of global visual motion in the avian pretectum shifts from a bias for temporal-to-nasal selectivity to omnidirectional excitation across speeds. eNeuro ENEURO.0301-24.2024. PDF
- Shah, A. A., Hotaling, S., Lapsansky, A. B., Malison, R. L., Birrell, J. H., Keeley, T., Giersch, J. J., Tronstad, L. M. and Woods, H. A. (2023). Warming undermines emergence success in a threatened alpine stonefly: A multi-trait perspective on vulnerability to climate change. Functional Ecology 37, 1033–1043. PDF
Lapsansky, A. B. and Armstrong, R. H. (2022). Common Mergansers Mergus merganser use wings to pursue a fish underwater. Marine Ornithology 50, 111–114. PDF
Lapsansky, A. B., Warrick, D. R. and Tobalske, B. W. (2022). High Wing-Loading Correlates with Dive Performance in Birds, Suggesting a Strategy to Reduce Buoyancy. Integrative and Comparative Biology 62, 878–889. PDF
- Lapsansky, A. B., Zatz, D. and Tobalske, B. W. (2020). Alcids ‘fly’ at efficient Strouhal numbers in both air and water but vary stroke velocity and angle. eLife 9, e55774. PDF
Lapsansky, A. B. and Tobalske, B. W. (2019). Upstroke-based acceleration and head stabilization are the norm for the wing-propelled swimming of alcid seabirds. J Exp Biol 222, jeb201285. PDF
Lapsansky, A. B., Igoe, J. A. and Tobalske, B. W. (2019). Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) shift toward aerodynamically efficient flight kinematics in response to an artificial load. Biology Open 8, bio042572. PDF